Abby Kearns – Integrating Security Throughout the Delivery Lifecycle

June 7, 2020


Over the past eight years, Puppet has surveyed more than 30,000 technical professionals around the world in the most comprehensive and longest-running study on the topic of DevOps. In the 2019 State of DevOps Report, we looked specifically at how organizations are integrating security into the software delivery lifecycle.

This presentation will highlight some of the common patterns and practices that highly evolved DevOps organizations have in place to enable tighter integration with security. The talk will provide a practical roadmap for adopting and expanding DevOps success and focus on:

1) How executing well on DevOps is key to enabling DevSecOps
2) The top 5 practices that increase your team’s confidence in your security posture.
3) Common challenges of integrating security into the development lifecycle, especially in the middle phases where things tend to get messy.

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Guest(s): Abby Kearns
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